I have wanted to make the boys Easter Baskets for a while now! I've look at the cute ones at Pottery Barn and Landsend. Sometimes I think they are a little too cute for my boys!....I'm a little bit of an Easter basket snob I guess! I wanted something I could possibly pass down to my grandchildren! Seems like now days kids stuff is so disposable. You use it, than you donate it. That's fine, but every once in a while I like to keep some things of the boys that is meaningful! Something that's not automatically bought by one click but made by hand.....as Miranda Lambert would say in her new song!
I knew I wanted leather. Boys need something strong and something that can age! I thought Canvas was a good fit for Easter too. So I had my medium in mind.....
Then I started drawing, this saves a lot of time to have somewhat of a plan. I made copies of my 1st drawing and started playing with colors, which saves time too!
Then I called up LL Green Upholstery. Meet LaNeysa, she has taught me tons! She has bad boy machines that can sew through concrete! She did the sewing and I did the cutting! We were a good team!
When you walk into her shop you are kissed (like when I smash my boys faces and squeeze them while I lay a big one on them!) with the smell of Leather. It's leather aromatherapy! She has a lot of skins and leather! Looks like Rudolph made it to the shop too!:)
Here's the basket I picked.....
Here I am cutting everything out.....didn't get very many pictures, we were busy! I use the ruff side of the leather for the bunny....he looked a little more fuzzy that way!
Here's the final product! Lots we liked, lots we would change next time! That's the bliss of making things by hand, ya actually learn something!
The boys loved them.
Love how William has his slung over his shoulder! I picked a running bunny to put on the basket, because it suits a boy running at an Easter Egg hunt!
On another Easter note. I went to Walmart and got these white paintable eggs! I thought how fun to keep these every year! I can just see having 100 plus eggs in a huge basket or glass vase one day!
We got anything that distributes color......
and covered the eggs!
Love making memories with the boys! It will be neat to see what how they decorate them every year. I put the year on each egg too.
I hope you have a great Easter! I found some new clothes for the boys within an hour! I'm still shocked, I don't think I have ever shopped so quick! I plan to paint my toes and my nails get pretty with them too!
I didn't really plan on having any Easter Traditions, but I guess we are starting one with the eggs!
Do you have any Easter Traditions?
PS: Big Thanks to LL GREEN for helping me make this awesome baskets for my boys!!
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