Some love it, I hate it....this was the extent of my black Friday shopping, this wonderful pedestal wash tub. Mom and I went to big Brass Armadillo and couldn't find a single one....and there prices can be a bit steep but I guess if your really looking for something it would be worth it. Anyway I did buy my dad an old Pioneer Hybrid corn sack there....I'm thinking about making a pillow for his cabin out of it.
As for the wash tub I found her at a local flee market....I walked in and there she was and she was 20 percent off!! I'm going to put my Christmas Tree in it.....cute and no kiddo tree drama this year! Yeah!
I also found this bowel for a $2....I"m not sure what I'm going to do with it maybe put some pine cones and greenery in it.
We had a good Thanksgiving....I made the rolls this year!
Poor Scotty was sick this year but him and my Fisher are the cutest things!
and this big boy is pretty dang cute too!!
Hope you enjoy preparing for the Holidays and don't get so caught up in all the madness unless that's what you like to do . We are keeping it simple here. I'm going to try and make a few things this year and and enjoy this time instead of busying myself up into a tissy! I hope it snows too!!
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