One room done! Just had to stop and celebrate! We definitely labored on Labor day! We are finally getting this flooring thing down! Scotty and I love working as a team but we had trouble working out the game plan for flooring. Every line of flooring we laid the better we got and the more we worked as a team. I stopped and went downstairs to paint some trim and Scotty yelled at me to come and help him. He said he couldn't do it with out me! I thought that was really sweet he needed me, because overall Scotty is pretty independent and can hold his ground...which I love but this was nice to be needed!
We are very pleased with the flooring and its starting to feel like home....from ceiling
to floor!
I've been trying to keep the boys entertained as much as I can....window markers did the trick.
and William "MR. organized"...found it logical to use his snow boots has a holder, which I don't see how snow boots in 90 degree weather is logical at all.
Then he found the band aids while momma and daddy were working
Then he was pretending to take pictures with this thing out of Scotty's tool box?
Then there is Fisher....poor Fisherman....he's teething and nobody likes it!
I never have seen Scotty whine, okay maybe once or twice but hardly ever, but this is how he would look!
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