My plan, I always have to draw it out then break down the details from shade plants to sun plants, shrubs, to soil, to mulch to rock to time frames, to budget to tools to how it will look in the different seasons and the list goes on. Our roof is really flat so we are going to have to be creative we've talked about replacing the whole thing or embrace more of a modern lines and put cottage touches on it.
So I've been tearing out grass like crazy and preparing the beds. I try and get outside as much as I can while Fisher is napping or when Scotty gets home. Dirt is good for this mommy's soul!
So before all the rain I thought I would bring a little bit of life inside!
I cut some tulips and some branches from a bush.
Here's Scotty cutting out grass with William's help.
William loves dirt so this was right up his alley.
I got some free edging from the Urbandale junk days. Basically Iowa has a week where you can put tons of stuff/junk/trash from appliances to scrapes of wood on the side of the road for the trash to pick up. It's a great program to clean out your home and to find a few diamonds in the rough. More on my finds later.
So while we had a ton of rain that we desperately needed we did a lot of indoor activities. I had to remind myself that we NEED this rain and it's a blessing even though I would love to be outside! Here's our office, basically I threw our old kitchen table in here (which was pretty much a desk in the 1st place). It's a great place for the boys to color and do crafts.
Planted some sweet William seeds that Aunt Jill gave William.
Also made this baseball centerpiece for fun! Love this season can't wait to watch Scotty play this year. After all Boys love BASEBALL and Girls love BASEBALL players!
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