He is begging here but his eyes do look so sweet.
I got him all framed up and pretty.....
I love hobby lobby framing department, they rock. I find myself praying before I do something like this as it could take forever with all the choices and the customer service can be really bad. So I prayed I would find the right frame within my budget and I did....and the people at Hobby Lobby are so friendly and good!! I love how the wood of this frame looks just like the browns and reds in Buddy's face!
I was so tempted to keep him in my home and not give him away. He matches my home perfectly with his black, white and browns. I plan to paint him again for my home and put him in my doggie mudroom gallery. I started on the wallpaper in the mudroom. Took me a minute to get back on the wallpapering horse as it's been years, but I finally got the hang of it. We are waiting for the weather to warm up to put the trim and paneling in.
Then as my KC Chiefs were painfully loosing I decided to take my jean couch apart. It's been about 12 years and it's time for a change. I'm a little sad as this was made with all my friends old jeans. But I'm seeing something more simple and clean now. More to come on that later .....
Glad to have these little projects to work on during the cold months. Is there a project your working to get you through the winter?
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